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24/03/2012 - 25/03/2012: Talent Recruiting & Retention

The effects of the demographic change in Central Europe exceed all expectations. Even during the profound economic crisis, all companies suffered from a lack of highly qualified employees. While they decreased personnel costs through downsizing, they searched desperately for young talents, e.g. at universities for applied sciences.

In the meantime, (highly qualified) candidates have a better negotiating position than employers do. At the same time, their expectations have changed compared to earlier generations.

In addition to impulse lectures, this 2-day module is based on intense and actual work in small groups, where real cases of companies from various industries and business situation are incorporated and discussed.
  • A new perspective on future developments in the work environment and the necessary competencies
  • Development and implementation of a modern strategy for the talent search
  • Definition of relevant target groups and determination of appropriate communication channels
  • Application of personnel development and loyalty strategies for top talents
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