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14/09/2012 - 15/09/2012: Shipping Markets

Most shipping business are cyclical. Good vg decisions depend on good timing, both in chartering decisions and decisions about the purchase or sale of ship assets.

Participants in this program gain insights into making good decisions in contexts where timing is everything: in/out; long/short; key turning points. These decisions relate to the chartering, purchase, sale or scrapping of ships.

For each major market: the supply side such as new building orders, slow streaming, lay-ups, etc. And the the demand side, such as specific demands in particular geographic areas, the roles of particular economies such as China, India, the US, etc. The organisational prerogatives for managing the shipping firm along cycles, chartering policies, etc.

A better understanding of each major shipping market, especially the future outlooks in:
  • "wet"
  • "dry"
  • "containers"
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