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Your next steps

Lorange Certificate

A Lorange Certificate will do more than propel your career. It is a transformational experience. It equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge, as well as a network, preparing you for leading positions in a globalized world.
Consistent with our belief that specialization should come before generalization the Lorange Certificate offers various specializations for university graduates as well as for persons with strong expert knowledge. and professional experience
To meet the needs of practicing executives, our programs are regularly updated. Thus we will update our modules  according to changing needs and timeliness.
The Lorange Certificate is a part-time studying program.
The  Lorange Certificate is recognized
The Lorange Certificate offers you a sound and compact specialization that will shape your profile. In order to be able to efficiently take on professional managerial responsibilities in the respective area. Our accreditations, validations and certifications guarantee highest quality.
For more details please refer to

Timetable Programs 2012 >> download pdf

Lorange Institute of Business Zurich | Hirsackerstrasse 46 | Postfach | CH-8810 Horgen | Telefon | GoogleMaps Logo